
Customize your reminders

Add a description and an image to your reminders.

Chat with others

Stay within the app and communicate with your loved ones.

Share your reminders

Share reminders with others through links using WhatsApp or any other messaging app.

Color Coded labels

Use a variety of colors to distinguish your reminders.

View all the reminders in your calendar

Check the status of all prior and upcoming reminders, including whether they have been completed, canceled, or expired.

Multiple repetition options

There are a variety of different repeat options available for the reminders, including hourly, daily, weekly, 1st Saturday of each month, and many more.

Receive Notification

Receive an alert when someone sends you a reminder and also get notified when they take action on the reminder.

Several Snooze Options

The reminders provide a variety of snooze settings, including how often and for how long they should be snoozed

Backup and Restore

Data is private, it will be stored on your phone. Sync data backups on google drive and restore while application reinstall.

Global Event Timeline

Add global events to your osunio calendar as a reminder.

Sync Calendars 

Add your personal or google calendars with the osunio app.

Create Personalized Calendar

Make your own personal calendar and share it with your family and friends.